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20 December 2020

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Gold, lies and statistics.

Following the latest U.S. Fed statement following this month's FOMC meeting, gold should perhaps have reacted more positively than it did. This article looks at gold in the light of massaged statistics and price suppression.

01 July 2020

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: World top 20 Gold Mining Companies 2018/2019

The world's biggest gold mining companies of last year ranked. These are thye 'blue chip' stocks of the gold mining sector and should be of particular interest to investors wishing to follow the gold equities route.

26 June 2020

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Top 20 Gold mining countries – Russia now No.2

The latest Gold Focus report from specialist consultancy Metals Focus is .cautiously optimistic on the gold price looking forward.. It also incorporates the consultancy's latest estimate of global country-by country gold output

24 May 2020

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: The dilemma that is silver

Silver has not performed well overall over the past couple of years in comparison with gold and the Gold_Silver Ratio is still above 100 - a historical high level although an improvement on a few days ago.. Could this change?

26 April 2020

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: World top 20 Silver Producers – countries and companies

The Silver Institute's annual silver survey, this year prepared by UL precious metals consultancy Metals Focus, has been released and the article below looks at the Top 20 producing nations and mining well as price guidance

02 April 2020

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Russia halts gold purchases for the time being

The Russian Central Bank has announced that it is ceasing its gold purchasing programme as from the beginning of the current month. We examine why this may be.

23 November 2019

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Does China hold more gold than the USA?

It has long been considered by many analysts that the Chinese state in reality holds rather more gold than it reports to th.e IMF - but how much more? Does it in fact hold even more gold that the U.S.'s reported holding of just over 8,133 tonnes?

27 October 2019

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Swiss gold exports: Big distribution direction change

Latest Swiss gold import and export figures confirm huge change in trend away from Asia, but fall-off in Asian demand counterbalanced by big pickup in gold ETF holdings. Cautiously optimistic on gold price

17 September 2019

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: JP Morgan gold and silver spoofing defined as ‘racketeering’ by U.S. Prosecutors

Prosecutors have indicted two current JP Morgan employees and one former employee with criminal racketeering charges over 'spoofing' activity in the precious metals futures markets.

09 December 2018

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: The State of the Gold Market and where it may be headed

Gold and equities both had an interesting week with former rising and the latter diving, giving rise to much speculation on the future of the gold price. We look at some of the factors involved and assess where gold may go from here.