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20 July 2022

LAWRIE WILLIAMS:  Gold and silver still under pressure as equities and bitcoin make gains

Equities and bitcoin have been making gains on the latest market data while precious metals have mostly remained in the doldrums. The silly season seems to be with us and we may have to wait until after the U.S. Labor Day for markets to find their true direction.

08 July 2022

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: China gold demand still picking up in June – but slowly

Latest gold withdrawal figures from the Shanghai Gold Exchange for June show that the month's total has exceeded that of a year earlier suggesting China's gold demand is beginning to pick up, but cumulatively still remains well behind that of H1 2021.

04 July 2022

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Swiss gold figures – China down, India up and Russian anomaly

The latest announcement of Swiss gold import and export figures has highlighted some significant changes in global gold movements in May. India moved into the top spot as the leading recipient of Swiss re-refined gold that month and China dropped back, while the figures also showed the anomalous receipt of 3.2 tonnes of apparently Russian sourced bullion.

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