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29 August 2022

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Gold far better performer ytd than equities or bitcoin

The gold price may have looked weak in recent weeks, but in comparison with equities and bitcoin it has been doing extremely well. We compare gold's performance year to date with these other two asset classes which both look vulnerable to further sharp falls as we seem to be heading for a global recession.

23 August 2022

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: China back on top for Swiss gold exports

July's Swiss gold export figures were much higher than for the previous three months and show that China returned, after a gap of several months, to being the top recipient that month, replacing India which dropped to fourth.

22 August 2022

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Russia still coy on its gold reserve position

Another month has passed without Russia making any announcement on any changes to its gold reserve position. The conclusion is that this information is being suppressed because of the ongoing war in Ukraine and that Russia may well be using its gold to help finance this.

08 August 2022

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Chinese gold demand picking up nicely despite lockdowns

Latest SGE gold withdrawal figures put July comfortably ahead of those for the same month in 2021 indicating that Chinese gold demand is picking up nicely despite problems associated with lockdowns resulting from the nation's zero-Covid policies

03 August 2022

LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Gold regains $1,800 but v. briefly on Chinese tensions

The gold price surged back to the $1,800 level, which it achieved very briefly in intra-day trade before falling back again in reaction to Nancy Pelosi's Taiwan visit and fears of China's reaction. This was less severe than feared and gold and silver fell back quite substantially to earlier levels based on the Fed's perceived likely moves at September's FOMC meeting in the light of latest inflation data.

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